John Risdon
The guest speaker for our Autumn talk at the Village Hall was John Risdon. His theme for the evening was Raleigh and the Gilberts of Compton and Greenway. This was a big theme indeed and a theme that focussed on families. Anyone who has attempted to undertake any family research will be able to testify that families can be unwieldy and difficult diversifying into many different trails and cul-de-sacs. The great landed families of Devon are, of course, well documented but it is full credit to John Risdon that he was able to manage his material so well. With the aid of some beautiful photographs of the Dart he was able to explain the background and significance of these two great Devon seafaring families linked by marriage and outlook. Devon is a long way from London but their own drive and talent enabled Sir Walter Raleigh (pronounced Rawley) and Sir Humphrey Gilbert to attain great power and influence at the court of Queen Elizabeth 1. The late sixteenth century was the embryonic period for the British Empire and these two gentlemen were seeking to extend British power and influence by setting up colonies and investigating new trade routes. Sometimes though the closer you get to power the more dangerous it becomes and this was the fate that befell Sir Walter who not only had the dubious distinction of introducing us to tobacco but also lost his head. It had been an adventurous life switching from national hero status to periods of incarceration in the Tower and we learnt that despite founding the first British colony in North America he never once set foot there.
I am sorry that the wrong date for this talk appeared in last month’s magazine. I did manage to inform most people of the correct date but failed to let the magazine know and in future all dates will be checked and double checked.
The Lanterns procession
One date that I am sure about is this year’s Lantern procession which will take place on Saturday November 25th starting at the Village Hall at 6p.m. and finishing at St. Andrew’s Church for minced pies, mulled wine and the presentation of prizes. Preparations are well on their way and the next two lantern making sessions at the Hub are on Saturday 11th November between 2 and 4.30pm. and on Saturday 18th November between 10 and 12.30. It marks the start of the Christmas season in the village.
Picture Quiz
I haven’t done a picture quiz for a while so can anyone tell me where in the village this picture was taken?
John Marsh
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