May 2016 Newsletter

Arthur French Memorial Trophy
We are delighted to confirm that in the Autumn term the Local History Group and the primary school will be combining to launch the first Arthur French Memorial Trophy. To mark Arthur’s great love of local history and his role as a school governor a Local History Day will be held with the children competing for the prize. The children can choose whatever aspect of the village they want and we will be anticipating essays, photos, drawings, research online, music, poetry or drama.
The school will be looking to the Local History Group for resources for the event and it is true that we preserve and maintain both a physical collection of resources stored in the village hall (photos, documents, artefacts etc.) and an online collection which we are in the process of updating and upgrading. We are always interested in new resources so if you are aware of any interesting pieces of Ipplepen history up in the attic or out in the garage feel free to bring them along to us. Don’t worry about losing your photographs because these can be scanned and returned to you.
We know that you find old photographs interesting because since my wife Ingrid launched our Ipplepen Local History Group Facebook page just a month ago she has been staggered by the response. We already have 154 ‘likes’ for the page at the time of writing and one of the old photos featuring the snow of 1963 has been seen by nearly four thousand people. Feel free to check the site out and join in the comments.
Living History Project
Facebook is one thing but we know that some of you would prefer to chat face to face rather than online. If you have lived in the village for ten years or more and would like to take part in our project to record how the village has changed in your time here come along to the Hub on Tuesday 17th May at 2.30p.m. where we will be launching the project. There will be posters in the village with more details about the project in the next few weeks.
From the archive…
Last month’s photo of one of Ipplepen’s old shops was correctly identified by Pam Sharland as Gribbles. Those of you who referred to it as Brooke Stores or Brooke End stores were also, of course, correct because the name of the shop at the corner of Dornafield Road did change over the years.
This month’s offering is from the 1960s and features a line of buildings. Where are they?
