July Newsletter 2022


We would like to invite everyone to our AGM on MONDAY JULY 25th at the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. New members are particularly welcome and if you would like to become more involved in our activities this evening provides an opportunity. Once the business of the evening is complete, we are delighted to welcome Jon Bell from the Exeter Redcoats to share some of his experiences as a tour guide.

The Redcoats are all volunteers and are known for their breadth of knowledge, good humour, and enthusiasm. All the Redcoats undergo five months of training before being awarded their distinctive red jackets. Tours last around ninety minutes covering a number of themes including: – Forgotten Exeter, Medieval Exeter, Tudor Exeter, Ghosts and Legends of the City and Georgian Exeter. Jon is a very entertaining speaker, and you can find out further details about this event elsewhere in the magazine.



Historic England project entitled ‘Not Listed but Loved.’ We are all familiar with the concept of Listed Buildings, but Historic England want help from communities to identify less obvious features which contribute to the character of the community yet are not currently safeguarded. They can be buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas, or landscapes.

We thought it might be interesting to do this for Ipplepen. The current listed properties in the village appear on our website (www.ipplepenlocalhistory.org.uk) but if you have any thoughts about features which may have been overlooked (and they do not have to be old) we would like to hear from you. Remember we are thinking about features which contribute to the character of the community.


We really enjoyed putting together the display in the Village Hall commemorating all the Beating the Bounds and Jubilee events which have taken place in the village between 1910 and 2022. These images are slices of social history recording both change and continuity in one village community. In all the events that we have recorded from whatever era the common thread running through is that everyone was having an enjoyable time. It is that community spirit which continues to burn bright.

John Marsh

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